Place: Gates Hall in Boettcher Memorial Center, Denver Botanic Gardens
- February 1: Travels of a Darwin Groupie - Michon Scott, National Snow and Ice Data Center (Abstract and more information)
- March 1: Graphic Novels Present A New Perspective on Scientific Concepts - Illya Kowalchuk, Pop Culture Classroom (Abstract and more information)
- April 12: Designing Flood Resiliency - Cecily Mui, Saint Vrain Creek Coalition (Abstract and more information)
- September 6: Abandoned Mines Across the West: Impacts on Water Quality How Trout Unlimited is Fixing the Problem - Lauren Duncan, Abandoned Mine Restoration Project Manager (Abstract and more information)
- October 11: Supplements, are they weeds or seeds - Monika Nuffer, PharmD, Skaggs School of Pharmacy, UC Denver (Abstract and more information)
- November 1: Ute Indian Prayer Trees - John Anderson (Abstract and more information) -